Category: Random

  • Phantom Feelings

    Phantom Feelings

    Every night I am visited by a ghost. Before anyone dismisses it, that statement is true … ish. Ever since I’ve moved into this old house about nine years ago, I’ve always experienced weird sensations just as I lay down to sleep. At first, it felt like my cat was walking on the bed, but…

  • Languishing Loser

    Languishing Loser

    The final court decree arrived in the mail. At last, it’s officially over in my mind. I took down from the walls the last remaining items that represented the failed marriage of lies. While I was attempting to request changes in beneficiaries so that my children get whatever remains of my estate upon my eventual…

  • Final Divorce

    Final Divorce

    I far as I understand, the divorce is finally final. It almost wasn’t. The judge had a hard time believing that the ex wanted to waive all rights to take half my stuff. He almost confused her into postponing the divorce and speaking with a lawyer, but she caught on to what the judge was…