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Welcome to my outlet for some of the ideas, concepts, stories and general rants that come to me from time to time. Not sure where this may go, but you are welcome to join me on this ride. Thank you.

  • Unclear Utterances

    Unclear Utterances

    I listen to podcasts as a single old white guy does; I’ve got nothing else going for me. During one of those today, I heard the phrase “banned for saying incorrect information.” I wanted to smack the speaker. Why don’t we call…

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  • Playing Around

    Playing Around

    I’ve long admired, if not loved, the music of Chumbawamba. Go ahead and laugh, if you must. I’ll wait. Most folks, especially in the United States, only know the band…

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  • My Shit List

    My Shit List

    Here’s one of the many silly ideas that cross my mind from time to time. This one I obsessed with for several months. One could say I had a lot…

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