Category: Creativity

  • Birth of a Book

    Birth of a Book

    I finally have a working outline for the next book. I’ve been doing a fair amount of research and believe I have a plot concept that will work within the series. Of course, it will require more research as I flesh the details, but I have a start. The premise is that the terrans are…

  • Playing Around

    Playing Around

    I’ve long admired, if not loved, the music of Chumbawamba. Go ahead and laugh, if you must. I’ll wait. Most folks, especially in the United States, only know the band from one punk hit called Tubthumping in the 90s, but the artists and their discography remain far more complex and varied than many know. Chumbawamba…

  • My Shit List

    My Shit List

    Here’s one of the many silly ideas that cross my mind from time to time. This one I obsessed with for several months. One could say I had a lot of shit on my mind. My Shit List————————————BM: Vague ShitBowel Movement: Geriatric ShitBrownie: Nutty ShitBrowns: Sports ShitCaca: Franco-Spanish ShitCasting: Worm ShitChip: Bovine ShitCopremesis: Reverse ShitCoprolite:…