Pill Bottle

Small Signs

Sometimes you can’t help but notice the small signs that signal societal collapse. Now, I’m sure many would claim I’m being unnecessarily over-dramatic, but I suspect many ignored the small warning signs before the ancient and highly advanced Mayan and Egyptian societies collapsed.

Doesn’t really matter, either way. However, I was sad to see this on my most recent prescription: Take 2 capsules by mouth three times daily for 7 days for cough – qty 30 – no refills.

The massive brain fart that caused this made me want to scream, if I could have stopped coughing at the time. Maybe it was an oversight, maybe a middle school dropout typed the prescription, maybe someone with a doctorate-level education just really didn’t care about actually helping me and just needed to kick me out of the clinic so they can meet a quota to pay for a new boat. In an odd way, I hope it was the latter, because the other options just signal of the collective stupidity of our society, so does the latter now that I think about it a bit more.

I’ve always been told to trust doctors and follow any perceptions faithfully because the treatment won’t work otherwise. However, 2 capsules, 3 times a day, for 7 days (2 • 3 • 7) is 42 pills, but I’m only allowed to have 30. I guess my last two days of treatment can go take a flying leap off of the Chrysler Building.

This does not give me hope for medical care as I continue to age, as we tend to do; it’s rather unavoidable, much like suffering stupid people. What’s super sad is that I’m an idiot; I’ve got no chance in solving this; I can only remain a foolish victim.

Remember the Palenque!


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