This is Not Okay

The molding, the reshaping, the dismantling is happening too fast, too widespread, too unexpected for any factual information channel to analyze and explain it all. The numbers of those with some authoritative power are dwindling; many run scared as their selfishness finds itself exposed to a sporadic dragnet: maybe from here, or there, or from this angle, or in this way. The fog is crafted from chaos and whim. 

For many, like me, we don’t know how to protect or prepare; the remaining informational channels fail to catch everything as they are simultaneously attacked and distracted. Fragments of insight trickles in with the knowledge that so much more lurks under the surface. 

Years of previous action has happened within a week. Opposition faces dismantling from underneath, silenced from a deluge of bizarre promises, unreasonable impulses and senseless actions, all with drastic, if not devastating, possibilities. We watch, stunned, as this train wreck unfolds so quickly sensations overwhelm us, wanting to help everywhere and unable to triage the most vital still within range of saving. We are left without the faculties to even care about the cause, the driving factor, the next link in the chain reaction that continues to risk harm because our arms are full, our mind’s fixated on the small tragedy at our feet so much so that it’s absurd to expect us to have the time to explore every angle, run all the data points, calculate each threat. 

Only one thing is certain: This is bad. 

Exactly how bad is left for history to tell. Right now, it’s developing, repeating with the knowledge that no good can come from it. The tables are turned and flipped, so few heroes remain with courage, an increasingly rare commodity amid the chaos. 

Standing on this fragile precipice, gazing into a torrent of horror, frozen from fear and disquiet, we can only step forward, unwillingly, apprehensively, dreadfully. This is unimaginable. Many will suffer. This is not okay.