Unclear Utterances

I listen to podcasts as a single old white guy does; I’ve got nothing else going for me. During one of those today, I heard the phrase “banned for saying incorrect information.” I wanted to smack the speaker. Why don’t we call lies “lies” anymore? Let me guess, lawyers.

It’s reminiscent of George Carlin’s bit on our society’s abhorrent nature for turning simple, short, clear words into complex, long, vague phrases. When did lies become alternate beliefs and dictators become long-term presidents? Such use of unclear words contribute to our collective downfall.

I’m likely guilty of this as well. It’s always easier to correct others instead of myself; it’s a flaw I must work harder to correct. But if someone spouts lies call them a lier. Make it clear, no ambiguity.

Lawyers have made us afraid to get to the point. They thrive on being vague and convoluted. That’s how they sew doubt about whether they or their clients did anything at all, let alone anything wrong. Call someone a lier, and you’ll have a lawyer suing you for defamation. But say that person states alternate beliefs keeps the lawyers away and people not sure if that person is a lier. Well, that right there is some bullshit.

The whole system is so riddled with corruption that any good is tarnished by association.

I wish I had better solutions for it all. Instead, the only solutions my limited intelligence can muster involve some form of destabilization, e.g., Maya, Aztecs, Khmer, Mississippians. Maybe societal collapse is an inevitable by-product because humans are not smart enough to stop doing stupid things such as war, genocide, oppression, corruption, greed, etc.

Tangent: Just walked into a Wendy’s, and a woman turned, look at me directly and just boisterously laughed. Now that sure makes me feel shitty even more. About what? I’ve got no idea. Happy birthday to me I guess.

Our society makes me so sad.