A Country Divided

It was on Juneteenth that I was driving in the city and saw a very distressing sight. Upon a roof were neatly lined brown river rocks that formed large letters: FJB.

For those who may not know (please tell me your secret), those letters represent the phrase “Fuck Joe Biden”. This phrase has become a mantra from some supporters of Donald Trump. But my despair is less about the politics of the presidential candidates and far more about the unprecedented levels of vitriol being thrown about.

The attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021, should have shocked everyone in the United States, but we act numb as if it can’t and didn’t happen here. Our blindness will allow our downfall. Good people often do nothing until it is too late.

I remember when the big debate in our country was whether we should create government-run social plans that help Americans or whether we should reduce government involvement and let capitalism decide who is supported and how, if at all. Now it is more between stumbling dementia and rambling narcissism; choose one. Neither are good, and both risk setting loose violent followers who have already attacked the heart of the government and killed people for the sake of their chosen leader.

I fear for what may come. I’m not sure what it may be, but I suspect it will be unlike what we imagine.

If … if it comes to violence, neither side is ready for the loss. It will set into motion a very regrettable challenge that we will either learn from and become an even more perfect union or we will slide into years of chaos, violence and oppression until peaceful-loving citizens band together once again to make those who started this hate face the guillotine.

Either way many may die in the name of devote fervor.

I wish for wise minds to prevail and reason to see us return to compromise and peaceful debate.

I hope it is not too late.