My Shit List

Here’s one of the many silly ideas that cross my mind from time to time. This one I obsessed with for several months. One could say I had a lot of shit on my mind.

My Shit List
BM: Vague Shit
Bowel Movement: Geriatric Shit
Brownie: Nutty Shit
Browns: Sports Shit
Caca: Franco-Spanish Shit
Casting: Worm Shit
Chip: Bovine Shit
Copremesis: Reverse Shit
Coprolite: Tough Shit
Crap: Unfortunate Shit
Defecation: Technical Shit
Dejecta: Convoluted Shit
Deuce: Numbered Shit
Diarrhea: Messy Shit
Discharge: Dismissed Shit
Doo-Doo: Deep Shit
Doody: Childish Shit
Dookie: Royal Shit
Dropping: Animal Shit
Dump: Trashy Shit
Dung: Religious Shit
Egesta: Departing Shit
Evacuation: Displaced Shit
Excrement: Fancy Shit
Excreta: Pissy Shit
Excretion: Unwanted Shit
Exudate: Oozy Shit
Faeces: Posh Shit
Faex: Latin Shit
Fart: Airy Shit
Fecal Matter: Wordy Shit
Fecalith: Rocky Shit
Feces: Literal Shit
Feculence: Mixed Shit
Fertilizer: Farm Shit
Fewmet: Bambi Shit
Frass: Bug Shit
Fudge: Sweet Shit
Guano: Bat Shit
Kacke: German Shit
Kaka: Greasy Shit
Leavings: Discarded Shit
Load: Exaggerated Shit
Loaf: Gluten Shit
Log: Sticky Shit
Manure: Prairie Shit
Meconium: First Shit
Mess: Polite Shit
Midden: Piled Shit
Muck: Stable Shit
Mud: Filthy Shit
Nugget: Chicken Shit
Number Two: Sequential Shit
Ordure: Horrible Shit
Pile: Stacked Shit
Plaque: Bacteria Shit
Plop: Noisy Shit
Poo: Kiwi Shit
Poo-Poo: Double Shit
Pooh: Bear Shit
Poot: Stinky Shit
Protein: Cell Shit
Tenesmus: No Shit
Recrement: Obsolete Shit
Runs: Athletic Shit
Sap: Plant Shit
Scat: Musical Shit
Shart: Unexpected Shit
Shat: Past Shit
Shit: Real Shit
Shite: Lucky Shit
Slop: Pig Shit
Spatter: Airborne Shit
Spoor: Tracker Shit
Spraint: Odd Shit
Squirts: Funny Shit
Steamer: Hot Shit
Steatorrhea: Fat Shit
Stool: Medical Shit
Toot: Train Shit
Trots: Trailed Shit
Turd: Dumb Shit
Waste: Useless Shit

Name That Shit
(aka, Poopmantoots)
Bark Brownie: Dog Shit
Brown Bomber: Drive-by Shit
Brown Town: City of Shit
Bum Slug: Slippery Shit
Butt Brownie: Magical Shit
Butt Nugget: Piece of Shit
Cat Crap: Feline Shit
Chocolate Chips: Bits of Shit
Cow Pie: Bull Shit
Delhi Belly: Street Vendor Shit
Diaper Grenade: Escaped Shit
Dingle Berry: Clingy Shit
Dookie Monster: Muppet Shit
Fudge Cake: Baked Shit
Mister Hankey: Christmas Shit
Hershey Highway: Lined Shit
Hershey Squirts: Syrupy Shit
Marsh Mallow: Ghost Shit
Meadow Muffin: Grassy Shit
Montezuma’s Revenge: Racist Shit
Moose Turd Pie: Railroad Shit
Mud Pie: Modeling Shit
Night Soil: Latrine Shit
Pope Poop: Holy Shit
Rabbit Pellet: Bunny Shit
Road Apple: Horse Shit
Shitty Shitty Bang Bang: Flying Shit
Skid Mark: Messy Shit
Stink Pickle: Sour Shit
Stinker Bell: Fairy Shit
Tree Berry: Squirrel Shit
Tootle Bug: Cute Shit
Tootsie Pop: Surprising Shit
Tootsie Roll: Twisted Shit
Yard Yogurt: Old Dog Shit

Crapalicious: Tasty Shit
Crapitulation: Surrendered Shit
Craplet: Tiny Shit
Crappuccino: Coffee Shit
Crapspiracy: Suspicious Shit
Crapstermind: Clever Shit
Craptastic: Wonderful Shit
Dungaroo: Down Under Shit
Exhuastipated: Tired of this Shit
Fecalicious: Fergie Shit
Fudgeinator: Android Shit
Plopstar: Famous Shit
Poodini: Lockpicking Shit
Poonado: Windy Shit
Pooplosion: Heavy Shit
Poopscicle: Icy Shit
Poopsmith: Crafty Shit
Poopstronaut: Space Shit
Poopzilla: Monstrous Shit
Pootastrophe: Disastrous Shit
Pootini: Alcoholic Shit
Pootopia: Ideal Shit
Poovention: Smug Shit
Shitastic: Fantastic Shit
Shitification: Certified Shit
Shitticism: Critical Shit
Tootanic: Unsinkable Shit
Turdle: Ninja Shit
Turdtastic: Fabulous Shit

Get Out of my Shit
(aka Tmeshits)
Bloody Fucking Shit
Bull Fucking Shit
Holy Fucking Shit
Holy Mother Fucking Shit

Other Shituations
Bloody Stool: British Shit
Constipated: Couldn’t Give a Shit
Coprophagous: Shit Eating Grin
Coprophilia: Infatuated With Some Shit
Defecatory Dysfunction: Scared Shitless
Diverticular Disease: Puss Pockets of Shit
Fecal Incontinence: Wish You Didn’t Give a Shit
Fecal Impaction: Shit That Hits Hard
Fecaloma: Tumor Full of Shit
Hirschsprung Disease: Shit Lost Its Nerve
Infectious Colitis: Contagious Shit
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Sore Shit
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Unpredictable Shit
Obstructed Defecation Syndrome: Stop the Shit
Shiznit: The One and Only Shit
Stercoraceous: Be One With the Shit
Stercoral: Expansive Shit
Stercoricolous: Living in a World of Shit

Convershitional Idioms
Dark as shit
Deep shit
Handle your shit
Money talks; bullshit walks
Put the shit back in the donkey
Shit hits the fan (don’t forget to duck)
Shit rolls downhill
Shit the bed
Shit together
Stick like shit
Thick as pig shit

Built like a brick shit house
Good shit
Hot shit
Know (one’s) shit
Make shit sound good
Wouldn’t shit you (you’re my favorite turd)

Direct Insult
Ain’t shit
All fart (no shit)
As mean as cat shit (and twice as nasty)
Batshit crazy
Crazy as a shithouse rat
King Shit of Turd Island
Little shit
Look like shit
Piece of shit
Sack of shit
Shit and fall in it
Shit disturber
Shit for brains
Stink like shit
Thinks (one’s) shit don’t stink
Turn to shit

Bear shit in the woods
Give a flying shit
Rare as rocking horse shit
Same shit (different day)
Shit happens
Shit in your hat
Shoot the shit
Sure as shit
Throw shit at the wall (and see what sticks)
Tough shit
Want in one hand; shit in the other (see which gets fuller faster)
Worth (a) shit

Full of shit
Know (Jack) shit
Know shit from Shinola
Load of shit
No shit (Sherlock)

Scared shitless
Scared the shit out of
Shit a brick

Anger & Frustration
Ain’t paid enough for this shit
All up in (one’s) shit
Beat the shit out of
Bunch of shit
Crock of shit
Cut the shit
Dog shit
Down the shitter
Eat shit (and die)
For shit’s sake
Get the shit beat out of
Giving (one) shit
Go ape shit
Gone to shit
Horse shit
Lost his shit
Push shit uphill
Shit all over
Shit or get off the pot
Shit the bed
Suck shit
Too old for this shit
Tore the shit out
Up shit creek (without a paddle)

A shit load
A shit ton
Be dipped in shit
Don’t know to shit or go blind
For the love of shit
Hear that shit
Holy shit
Knock a buzzard/flies off a shit truck
Oh shit
See that shit
Shit fire (save matches)
Shit got real
Shit sandwich
Shit went down
Shitting me
Shot to shit
What’s this shit?

Other Emotions
As happy as a pig in shit
Feel like shit
For shits and grins/giggles
Shit out of luck
Sleep for shit

General Descriptors
Like flies on shit
Like shit through a goose
Pack your shit
Shit-eating grin