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Humble Humor

One of my weird little desires or hopes is that I wish I could or would write a truly funny book. Most of what I’ve ever written has been serious or pseudo serious, with splashes of attempted humor. However, I fear that my attempts are lost because they involve some type of internal understanding of the characters that I failed to relate to a reader.

I may never know because I can’t read as if I’m new to the story; each story has played out in my head thousands of times in thousands of different ways. Also, I just can’t afford a good editor, but I really need one.

I just recently read the Amazon reviews of my latest book. First, I’m surprised I got a review, let alone two. The first review darn near made me blush and cry; I don’t know who that person is, but that review made me feel like he gets me, understands me. For the first time, someone does. On the other hand, the second review was all the negative critical things I say about myself, so in a way, I guess that person gets me too.

If I attempt a funny story, maybe someone out there would read it, click with my sense of humor and get a good laugh in their day, which would make it worth it. There will also be the heckler who feels compelled to note the weaknesses in delivery, timing and predictability. So it goes, I guess.

Rather makes it hard to put oneself out there. Either way, I can still learn from the critical comments the simple fact that I should be less critical of others and be more like Larry Hoel.

Thanks, Larry. You are a wonderful and kind person, and I admire you. Stay awesome!


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